Thursday, 20 December 2012


Hello folks! Just in case anybody is still reading this, we're back at our old address - so get your arse over to and rejoin the family in time for Christmas. :)

Sunday, 1 July 2012


DOSF still completely up the wall as of 01/07/2012. Emails have been sent to Schoolmat. At this point I don't believe it's a hack - more likely a crashed server, as none of Schoolmat's pages are working either.

I remain optimistic. Please spread the word, folks - if you're in contact with any members who may not know about this page, let them know and ask them to spread it too. We simply cannot rely on If we have to move to another server, we'll also have to get another domain name - and any developments on that front or any other will be announced here... so I'd like to get as many people as possible to know about it.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

DOSF DOWN 30/06/2012

DOSF is down once again.

No idea why, no idea for how long, no idea how to contact our host. (All attempts to contact Schoolmat have gone unanswered since April.)

Also no response from Vampirella and MEMI4 at their last known addresses.

Let's give it a few days and see what happens. If it stays down and I'm still unable to contact anybody, I'll look into getting a new server up and running.

I'm meeting Cheeseman66 for a drink this evening so we'll discuss how to proceed.

Sit tight, ladies and gentlemen... :)